Root Canal Treatment Fort Worth

We Can Help Erase Toothaches

Are you or your child experiencing a painful toothache that’s keeping you up at night or preventing you from being able to focus on work? Dr. Nobles can help ease your discomfort with pain-less, highly effective root canal treatment. Typically, toothaches are the result of an infection that has burrowed its way deep within the inner chamber of the tooth. Our team can help remove the source of the infection, clean the tooth, and restore its structure and health, allowing you to continue enjoying your treated pearly whites for years to come.

Why Choose Nobles Dental for Root Canal Treatment?

  • Same-Day Emergency Dentistry Available
  • A Dentist with 10+ Years of Experience
  • Pulp Therapy Available for Children

What Happens During a Root Canal?

Root canals typically take place over the course of two appointments. First, Dr. Nobles will access the inner chamber of the infected tooth by making a small window in the biting surface. This will allow her to remove the pulp, which is a collection of nerves and soft tissue that has become attacked by harmful oral bacteria. After cleaning the chamber out and ensuring that no bacteria are left to linger, she will repair the structure of the tooth with a substance called gutta percha and top it off with a temporary crown. The next appointment will be the placement of your permanent crown, which will continue protecting your tooth for well over a decade with good maintenance.