Restorative Dentistry Fort Worth

Lasting Protection for Compromised Teeth

Whether a tooth is impacted by a cavity, dental damage, or is vulnerable from being treated in the past, restorative dentistry in Fort Worth can help rebuild and protect it. With high-quality dental restorations like tooth-colored fillings and dental crowns, Dr. Nobles is able to help patients preserve their natural teeth, in many cases allowing patients to continue enjoying them for the remainder of their life. Call our office today to learn more about our restorations and whether you may be able to benefit from receiving one.

Why Choose Nobles Dental for Restorative Dentistry?

  • Natural-Looking, High-Quality Dental Materials
  • Dentist with Over a Decade of Experience
  • We Accept Most PPO Dental Insurances

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are small, cap-like structures that are designed to fit over the biting surface of a tooth, protecting it from wear-and-tear and minimizing any sensitivity or discomfort. Dr. Nobles has each of her crowns custom-crafted based on her unique patients’ needs and aesthetic desires, using materials like porcelain-fused-to-metal, ceramic, zirconia, and all-porcelain. We often recommend this type of restorative procedure for teeth that have received root canal treatment, are cracked or severely damaged, or are drastically misshapen.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Cavities are one of the most common oral health problems in the world. In fact, you would be hard-pressed to find a person who has never had one! Fortunately, when caught early on, they are incredibly easy to treat with tooth-colored fillings. Using a biocompatible composite resin, Dr. Nobles can fill in the decayed portion of a tooth to rebuild and protect it, sealing off the vulnerable inner chamber and preventing an infection from developing.